Top 3 Percent

step 1

Language and Personality
The first step of the screening process is a comprehensive English language and communication interview evaluation. We also assess personality traits, looking for candidates who are passionate and fully engaged in their work.

step 2

In-Depth Skill Review
We also test each applicant’s technical knowledge and problem-solving ability through various assessments. Every member of the Globelancer network is an expert in their domain, and we typically only advance candidates with exceptional results in this phase.

step 3

Live Screening
Each candidate is interviewed by Globelancer screeners who are experts in their functional domain. Our screeners provide specific live exercises, looking for problem-solving ability, depth of experience, communication ability, and creativity.

step 4

Test Projects
Each candidate is assigned a test project to evaluate whether they can “walk the walk.” Test projects take 1-3 weeks are comprehensive and provide real-world scenarios for candidates to demonstrate their competence, thoroughness, professionalism, and integrity.

step 5

Continued Excellence
Members of the Globelancer network maintain a track record of excellence while working with clients. As a quality-first company, our focus is on the top for talent and the top for clients, and this principle permeates through to every engagement and every delivered project.