Terms & Conditions

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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Can I exchange money on Globelancer?
No, Globelancer.com is not a money exchange site.

Fund transfers from one Globelancer.com account to another should be in payment for services received or refunds of said payments, etc. Likewise, we do not allow deposits via one payment service (e.g. Paypal) followed by a withdrawal via another (e.g. Skrill).

Fund transfers that violate Globelancer.com's Terms and Conditions may be reversed.

Can I sell already made solutions?
Yes, as long as the client agrees to this and you have proper rights to sell the solution.

Can I sell scripts, etc. written by others?
Absolutely not. If you are determined to be selling scripts or other materials that you do not own, i.e., stolen work, your account will be closed without payment and legal action may be taken against you.

To know more about projects that are not allowed on the site, please click here.

Can I post a project that will sell my stock items in Freelancer?
No, you can't. To know more about projects that are not allowed on the site, please click here.