Online Art Classes

Crafts * Creative * Drawing Fine Art * Illustration * Painting * Sketching * Visual Arts * Watercolors

Explore Art Classes Online (Available in English & Hindi (Indian) Language)

Take the next step in your artistic journey. With these Globelancer classes, you can explore a range of art topics, from drawing and painting, to lettering and fine art. Whether you’re looking for art classes for beginners or you’re already an experienced artist, you can take your skills to the next level with online classes in sketching and sculpting, doodling and design, collage and color, all taught by talented artists and professionals. You’ll find opportunities to learn new techniques with new tools. Work with paint or pencils, inks or watercolors, or the latest digital tools like Procreate, Photoshop, Illustrator. And you can get hands-on experience by completing and sharing your own art projects.