Tips for new Freelancers on Try to implement these best practices to increase your chances of improving your freelancing business on the website. Make a good impression. As early as bidding on projects, make yourself stand out from the rest. Present yourself professionally, and tailor your proposal to what the project requires. State what you....

Tips for Winning Projects/Clients Each employer is as different as each freelancer is; so there is no “magic formula” that works for every bid. To help increase the chances that a prospective employer will seriously consider your bid, here are some things we suggest you practice: Read the project description thoroughly. Take the time to go....

Successful freelancing on opens the global job market to freelancers of all trades and professions, eliminating the need for expensive advertising. There are opportunities available whether you work online or if your trade is more hands-on. Bid on projects. Take the time to complete your profile. A complete profile is a must when....

Adding / Removing skills

Adding / removing skills Adding skills is part of completing your profile. Doing so allows you to bid on projects that require the skills you have on your profile.   1. Log in to your account.   2. Click your profile picture thumbnail from the main menu bar. Then, click View Profile under Account.   3. On....

Make Money Online Using these 7 Ways For many people, making money online would be an absolute dream come true. If they could find a way to make money with a website or some other online venture, they could quit their job to focus on entrepreneurship, spend more time with their family, and finally take....